Frodsham JFC

Frodsham JFC
Last update: Monday 18th May 2020 @ 17:16
Visitors this week: 144
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Welcome To Frodsham JFC

Frodsham Junior Football Club offers football facilities for young people, U21's and Vets. We now have over 450 boys, girls , young adults and Vets registered or training at our Academy and Development sessions. If you would like to join us, please contact the appropriate manager or any member of the committee.

Club News

FJFC Child Welfare Officer

(Jeff Abbott 21/02/2019)
The club CWO role helps to ensure all club and team officials and members understand what their duty of care is towards children and young people aged under 18. This involves promoting safeguarding policies, best practise and the FA Respect codes. They are also responsible for maintaining safe and responsible recruitment procedures to ensure the right people are involved in the club and act as a first point of contact for any concerns regarding the welfare of a child in the club. Please contact the CWO if ..

• You are a new parent/volunteer and would like to get involved as a manager/coach/assistant

• You are an existing team official and need your DBS certificate (formally known as a criminal reference check) renewed or require refresher training.

• You require guidance on club policy, codes of conduct and best practise
• You are a parent/carer, team official or player and have a complaint or a concern regarding the welfare of a child or young person in the club.

The CWO for FJFC is Fleur MacCready. She is available to answer any queries, listen to any concerns or provide advice on any welfare matters, confidentially. She lives in Frodsham and can be contacted anytime using these details - T: 07721 902369 E:

Dealing with Concerns

Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility. If you are worried about a child it is important that you report your concerns to the Club Welfare Officer – no action is not an option.

If the issue is one of poor practice the CWO will either:

• Deal with the matter themselves or seek advice from the County FA Welfare Officer

• If the concern is more serious where possible contact the County FA Welfare Officer first, then immediately contact the Police or Children’s Services

• If the child needs immediate medical treatment take them to a hospital or call an ambulance and tell them this is a child protection concern. Let your Club Welfare Officer know what action you have taken.

If at any time you are not able to contact the Club Welfare Officer and you would like further information and/or would prefer to seek independent advice and support you can contact either:

The Cheshire FA welfare officer - Nadine Crane T: 01606 302028 , 9:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday E:
or any of the following organisations:


Childline -

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) -