Westcliff United Football Club

Westcliff United Football Club
Last update: Wednesday 19th April 2023 @ 20:48
Visitors this week: 15
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Welcome To Westcliff United Football Club

Formed in 2005 and the idea was to change grassroots football for the better. Better coaching, better style and most of all to give everyone that wants to play, play. The club don't just support it's... More

Club News
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Welcome To Westcliff United Football Club

(Daniel Moores 25/06/2019)
Formed in 2005 and the idea was to change grassroots football for the better. Better coaching, better style and most of all to give everyone that wants to play, play.

The club don't just support it's players but fully support other clubs and league around Essex. Offering football academies to primary schools and youth centers to encourage other children, teenagers and valuable adults to play, socialise and to enjoy.

Our club ethos is a written declaration that sets out how we want to run as a club. It’s simple and concise and can be understood by players, parents and officials.

- To provide football to everyone of all ages and abilities, in
a safe and friendly environment.
- To deliver age-appropriate coaching to support long-term
player development.
- To encourage all players to try their best and make the most
of their abilities.
- To offer a challenging but supportive environment where
players can learn from their mistakes without undue pressure
and anxiety.
- To promote good behavior and respect for others.