Cheshire Girls Football League

Cheshire Girls Football League
Season: 2024-25
Last update: Sunday 6th September 2020 @ 13:19
Visitors this week: 16
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Cheshire Girls Football League

CHESHIRE FA CHARTER STANDARD LEAGUE AWARD WINNERS 2015. Welcome to Cheshire Girls Football League. It all started in the mid-90s when the managers of half a dozen newly formed girls' football teams got together with the support of Cheshire FA and created... More

League News
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Generating A "Squad List" From WGS

(Andy Thomas 09/08/2018)
This document:

Describes how to generate a squad list for your team.

Currently only key club officials and nominated "player registration officers" can extract the squad list.

(This has been escalated to the FA as clearly a Team Manager should be able to access their own teams squad list.)

In the meantime work with your club secretary for your clubs own arrangements to get "squad lists"

The League will be using "squad lists" in place of player ID cards from this season onwards. If a player is not listed in the squad list they cannot play in a league match - no exceptions.

As a team Manager you must:

. Have your squad list available for inspection
. Ensure you check all the opposition players against their provided squad list.